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Thursday, January 31, 2013

How Does Menopause Effect Weight Gain?

How Does Menopause Effect Weight Gain?

Ask Dr. Steve –

Dr. Steve,

I just turned 49 and am starting menopause. I also noticed that I’m gaining weight for no reason. I haven’t changed anything in my lifestyle. What should I do?

Shelly H.
Baltimore, MD


This is a great question with so many people hitting our age. Weight gained after menopause seems to be harder to lose.

It is very common to put on weight at this time and while some of this may be due to lifestyle changes, that does not explain why suddenly women develop a tendency to put on weight at different parts of the body, especially the abdomen, while any weight gained when younger tended to be centered on the hips and thighs.

Hormonal changes do have a part to play in this, although the process is not completely understood. At menopause a woman stops ovulating, her monthly menstruation periods end, and her body produces much lower levels of the female hormone estrogen which is responsible for the ovulation process.

Low estrogen has been shown to cause weight gain in animals and it almost certainly is the reason why female bodies change shape.

Reversing course to lose unwanted pounds requires strict attention to healthy eating habits, an active lifestyle and diligence to keep it all on track. If you do not adjust your eating habits you will probably find that your weight increases. A person of 60 just does not need as many calories as a person of 40.

Hormone therapy with estrogen is sometimes prescribed to control menopausal symptoms. Many women will be surprised to hear that studies have shown that hormone therapy does not cause weight gain.

Some women experience bloating and water retention in the early stages of hormone therapy but this is usually temporary and they have not gained any fat.

Hormone therapy can reduce the risk of heart disease by preventing the changes in storage of body fat around the abdomen and lowering cholesterol. However, hormone therapy has been linked to an increased risk of breast cancer in some studies.

There's no magic to avoiding weight gain as you get older. The strategies at any age remain the same: Watch what you eat and get that body moving.

Watch what you eat - Eat a healthy, low fat diet with plenty of fiber, and avoid sugar and sugar products. Pay attention to the foods you're eating and slightly reduce the amount of calories you consume each day.

Choose a varied diet composed mainly of fruits and vegetables that will help you to safely cut back on calories and lose weight. Reduce the amount of high fat foods you consume.

You notice I say slightly reduce calories vs. substantially the reason being is to prevent your body from responding to the ‘starvation effect’ by conserving energy and making extra pounds harder to shed. Weight maintenance is a gradual but consistent process.

Move that Body. Aerobic exercise boosts your metabolism and helps you burn fat. Strength training exercises increase muscle mass, boost your metabolism and strengthen your bones.

Spend more time doing the things you really enjoy that also get you moving. Do more gardening. Take longer walks or start riding a bike. Your goal is to be active for a total of 30 minutes or more daily.

Accept the changes to the shape of your body. If you are not overweight, but simply have a thicker waist and slimmer legs, that is fine.

Consult with your doctor before starting any exercise program if you have any medical conditions or your fitness levels are low. Your doctor can also help with symptoms of menopause and weight gain.

There are three critical building blocks that must be stacked together to achieve weight loss: eating healthier and smaller portions (consuming fewer calories), increasing expenditure of energy through simple exercise (using up more calories) and having the mind set (mental discipline) to change your habits into a positive life program of health and vitality.

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