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Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Fitness - Anaerobic Training

Anaerobic fitness is the force component of fitness in general, which also contains at least two other essential components: aerobic fitness (the part of cardio-vascular resistance) and joint mobility. Speed and skill are native qualities and they are not very relevant for the health state – which is the main concern in mass fitness, the one meant to keep the body in good shape.

The purpose of anaerobic training programs is developing the force, the fortifying of the body or the muscular mass. There are situations when only force or muscle fortifying is intended. The typical example for these situations is given by the sports organized in categories, in which physical force (with the interdiction of going over a certain limit of weight) is tested. Growth of muscular mass determines increase of force and fortifying of the skeletal muscles. In this case, the fitness programs are very similar to body building trainings, without being followed by the spectacular, yet dangerous changes, specific to body building.

The purpose of anaerobic fitness is uniform, balanced and harmonious development of all the muscles, without ignoring their functionality. This last idea is important for making a clear difference between fitness and the tendencies, many times narcissistic, manifested by body building practitioners. The sportsman who takes up fitness wants to be able to and is able to do something with his muscles, more than showing them in contests or in different other occasions and places (disco, swimming pool, clubs, etc.).

One of the important characteristics of anaerobic fitness trainings is the use of general programs, during which all or almost all the muscles are worked out in one training session. In body building the programs are divided and trainings are focused every time on one, two or at most three groups of muscles; while in fitness one training can be focused on a certain area, but it does not exclude the other muscles, which will benefit, directly or indirectly, of at most one exercise for each group of muscles. This way, the programs are not excessively long; they take an average of one hour and fifteen minutes; thus the catabolic faze is avoided; this usually appears in very long training sessions (two hours or even more).

Another modality of reducing the time of training is doing super-series whose object is to train two antagonistic groups of muscles (chest and back or biceps and triceps, etc.). Thus, for each group of muscles must be performed a series of exercises, without a break in between; the break is taken only at the end of this double effort. The programs can also contain triple series or even giant-series (more than three exercises one after the other). The intensity of the training can be considerably increased: many muscles can be trained in a short time.

The weekly frequency of the training remains the same (three sessions); so the aerobic phase can be covered in the free days. If only three or even two weekly sessions are possible, mixed programs can be adopted: after the anaerobic fitness, always done at the beginning of the session, 15-20 minutes of aerobic fitness are added for balancing the two phases (anaerobic and aerobic). In this case, also, training must not take longer than one hour and a half; otherwise the phase of catabolic processes is initiated – a phase in which muscles 'self-cannibalize'.

Anaerobic fitness is recommended to all somatic types, with specific differences of modality of training.

In the cases of ectomorphic and mezomorphic types, all the series (3 or 4) performed on the same machine must be finished, and then the machine and the group of muscles which is trained must be changed at the same time. This system is also called 'workshop training'.

In the case of the endomorphic type (the overweight), circuit training is preferred: the group of muscles trained is changed after every series and the whole circuit must be repeated three or four times. This type of training consumes more calories because an aerobic component is introduced by not having breaks between series and slightly increasing the cardiac frequency.

Growth of muscular mass through fitness programs can't exceed one weight category (5-6 kg), but they do not misbalance the other motion parameters.

10 Sets of 10 Reps Workout Program for Quick Muscle Building

The 10 sets of 10 Reps program is a high-volume muscle building training program for gaining significant weight in a short time. Famous body builders such as Arnold Schwarzenegger and Vince Gironda have effectively used this workout program with great results.
The program utilizes methods to fatigue muscle fibers in a systematic way to increase muscle mass. It begins by selecting a muscle building exercise with weights that one can carry 15 times. However, it is necessary to stop the set after performing 10 reps. The period of rest between two sets should be confined to one minute or less, as the muscles start fatiguing after that time.
The primary aim of this muscle building program is to develop the strength necessary to perform all 10 sets with 10 reps. If the weight is too much to handle, it is advisable to switch over to lower weights and then perform all 10 reps. Once 10 reps of all 10 sets are complete in good form, move to higher weights.
Muscle Building Routine for 10 sets of 10 reps Workout:
- 10 sets of 10 squats without any rest
- 10 sets of 10 leg curls with one minute rest between sets
- 3 sets of 10 leg extensions without any rest
- 10 sets of 10 calf raises with one minute rest
- Bench Press (inclined), 10 sets of 10 reps without any rest
- Wide grip pull-up to front, 10 sets of 10 reps with one minute rest
- Flat Bench Flyes, 3 sets of 10-12 reps without any rest
- Low Pulley Rows, 3 sets of 10-12 reps with I minute rest
- Leg Raise & Crunch Combination, 10 sets of 10 reps with 1 minute rest
- Upright rows, 10 sets of 10 reps with one minute rest
- Bent over lateral raises, 3 sets of 10-12 reps with one minute rest
- Incline curls, 10 sets of 10 reps without any rest
- Triceps Dips, 10 set of 10 reps with one minute rest
The frequency of workout for 10 sets of 10 Reps muscle building program will be different for different body types. For example, ectomorphs who have skinny body and fast metabolism can perform part I, II and III on three alternate days during the week without considering weekends. Mesomorphs, who have a naturally muscular body, must try this program during the week as well as on weekends. Endomorphs that have a slow rate of metabolism can perform these exercises on all six days of the week. You should increase weights only when you have completed all three parts six times in a row.
The 10 sets of 10 Reps muscle building program will only work when the body gets adequate rest. As muscles develop while the body rests, getting 7 - 8 hours of sleep is essential. Moreover, one must also take care that other aspects such as nutrition and supplement are also in order.

Muscle Building Secrets

Monday, April 29, 2013

How To Develop A Strength Training Program To Run Faster!

Whether you are a sprinter, middle distance, or long distance runner, a properly executed strength training program will be the key to improving your running times.

If you’re a runner, you MUST strength train correctly. Running for distance, being aerobic in nature, will begin to break down good muscle tissue. You need a strength training program that will keep the muscle you have, and ultimately to build more muscle, that will carry over to faster running times.

Here are some tips to help you develop a strength training program exclusively for runners.

1. Emphasize Your Running Muscles

You should train all of your muscles thoroughly in any strength training program. The body works as a unit. Never neglect body parts, or favor other body parts simply because you like to train them. Give all of your muscles attention, but emphasize the ones that pertain to your sport the most. The running muscles, in order of importance are: Buttocks, Thighs, Calves, Shoulders, Chest, Back and Arms. When you design a full-body workout for running, try to work the muscles in this same order.

2. Train With Full-Body Workouts

Unless you’re a bodybuilder, you should train the full body with each workout. A bodybuilder who is trying to gain a lot of muscle would split their routine in order to work more thoroughly on each body part. An athlete should use strength training as a means to improve sports performance. A full body routine properly addresses the needs of an athlete.

3. Train the Tibialis Anterior

The tibialis anterior is the muscle on the front of the shin. By working on this muscle, you keep a balance with the calves ie. the soleus and gastrocnemius muscles. You need to keep opposing muscles in balance to maximize performance and minimize injuries. The tibialis anterior should also be developed to minimize shin splints. You can perform a foot flexion exercise to work on the T. A. muscle. If you’re serious about running and don’t have access to a foot flexion machine, I’d suggest you get one.

4. Emphasize Your Buttocks exercise

If you were asked to name the fastest land animals, you might say a cheetah, or an ostrich. The interesting thing about these animals that run so fast, is that they have skinny legs, but very well developed hinds (buttocks). The same with humans. Any runner, sprinter, middle, or long distance, should emphasize exercises that work on the buttocks area. If you have access to a Reverse Hyperextension machine you can work the area directly, with complete safety. If you don’t have one, a barbell full squat with work just fine.

5. Strength Train More Intensely Than You Run

When you strength train for running, you must strive to perform a set until you can no longer complete another repetition in perfect form. Obviously, you don’t run until you drop. That would be counter-productive, and dangerous. Strength training is completely different and should be treated as such. By strength training a muscle to the point of momentary muscular failure, you set the stage for rapid strength gains in the muscle.

6. Strength Train Slowly To Run Faster

Any strength training exercise should be performed slowly and deliberately. This takes the momentum out of the exercise, and therefore maximizes the amount of muscle fibers that are stimulated. A proper cadence when strength training should be about 2 seconds to lift the weight (when you contract the muscle) and at least 4 seconds to lower the weight (lengthen the muscle).

7. Add Weight or Repetitions Whenever Possible

It is so important for runners to try to add weight to an exercise as often as possible, or keep the weight the same and add repetitions whenever possible. This forces the muscles to adapt by increasing in strength. Runners need to do this because the very nature of frequent long runs catabolizes muscle tissue. Strength training in a progressive fashion will help preserve muscle, and ideally, add more muscle and strength to run faster, longer.

Copyright 2006 Sports Strength

P90X Arm Exercises

You may have heard about the P90X workout program, but may not know that much about what exact exercises it incorporates into the program. P90X is not your run of the mill workout. Tony Horton has designed the workout program to push people to their limits so they can get a ripped body in only 90 days.

There are 12 workouts that come with the P90X program:

• Chest and Back

• Plyometrics

• Shoulders and Arms

• Yoga X

• Legs and Back

• Kenpo X

• X Stretch

• Core Synergistics

• Chest, Shoulders, and Triceps

• Back and Biceps

• Cardio X

• Ab Ripper X

As you can see from the above list of the workout DVDs that are included in the P90X system, there are several of them that focus on the arms. Both men and women love to be able to have tight and toned arms. For women, being able to wear sleeveless dresses and shirts is a big reason for tightening up the arms, while most men like the look of a bulging bicep or just want more definition in their arms.

There are several different arm exercises that Tony Horton incorporates into the workout program. It's the way that he uses the exercise sequences in the DVDs that makes them so effective for not only strengthening but also burning fat. There are no secret exercises that he pulls out as he uses classic arm exercises but uses them in such a way that you are sure to develop muscle and see your arms getting toned quickly.

In the shoulders and arms workout DVD, Tony has you doing a variety of presses, curls, and fly movements which all work in combination with each other to give you a complete arm and shoulder workout. The chest, shoulders, and triceps workout involves plenty of extensions, presses, and flys to get a leaner upper body. Many people tend to work out the front of the arms (biceps) but tend to forget that working out the back of the arms (triceps) is just as important if you want toned and defined arms. The back and biceps workout DVD contains a variety of curls and pull downs that will have your back and biceps burning, but in a good way. The exercises go from working the back to the biceps and then back to the back again and keep repeating this to not only strengthen the muscles but to also get your heart rate up and burn calories as well.

There are other workouts in the P90x system that also involves arm exercises such as yoga. Some people may not realize how well yoga can build up not only flexibility but also your strength. Holding some of those yoga poses will have your arms shaking and burning.

The P90X workout program is a total body workout system that focuses on key areas of the body on certain days. With so many arm exercises that are doable for men and women, the program can have you showing off your toned biceps in no time.

Tiffany Brunskole is a writer for Surfer Body fitness, an Online retailer who specializes in fitness.com/default.asp" rel="nofollow">workout products and supplies from Beachbody such as

Insanity. Project You Type 2 can help you accomplish your weight loss goals.

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Exercise Routine - Static Contraction Training For Muscle Growth

The static contraction training system was originally developed by Pete Sisco and John Little. Their book titled "Static Contraction Training" was first published in 1998, and has become one of the better sellers. Pete Sisco has since gone on to develop additional training programs based on the static contraction training principles, including Precision Training, Train Smart, the CNS Workout, and Maximum Strength.

The easy monumental of static contraction training (SCT) is to generate ultra high intensity in the shortest amount of time. This training method is a complete 180 degree turn from conventional training supplies where you perform several different exercises doing 6 to 12 repetitions for each. The SCT training method focus on overloading the muscles through maximum intensity in minimal time spent. A conventional SCT workout lasts one or two minutes. It's not a typo. You read which correct, just one or two minutes.

Does Static Contraction Training Work?

Of route it works. Over 200,000 people all over the globe have used Pete's SCT training supplies for strength and muscle growth gains. It may seem outlandish that an entire workout should last merely 2 minutes, where conventional training workouts persist around 30 to 45 minutes. You have to be asking, "how could a 2 minutes workout possibly produce more possible outcome than a 30 minutes workout?" The key behind the prosperity of SCT workouts is intensity and maximum muscle overload.

Do you know what causes muscle growth? Your muscles respond to stress and stimulus such as resistance for weights. The heavier the weights used, the greater the stress. By utterly overloading your muscles using excessive heavy weights, you create the stimulus that equals strength and muscle growth.

Unlike traditional workout routines, static contraction training involves simply holding the maximum weight you can in a static have for 5 to 10 seconds. Each SCT work session usually involves 5 different exercises. You simply perform a static hold, and that is it, which is why Static Contraction training sessions are brief, but extremely intense.

You perform the static holds in your firmest range of motion. Using bench push as an example, you would perform a static hold of the barbell near the top, about 2 to 3 inches away from the top of the motion without locking out your elbows. This is your strongest time period of motion. You own the weight for 5 to 10 seconds. If you rep with 150 pounds on the bench press, you can possibly do a static hold using 250 to 300 pounds, or even more. This is all the stimulus that your brain needs for additional muscle growth. You can get more fitness and nutrition information by visiting http://exchanged-links.blogspot.com

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Building Muscle Tips #6 - How Many Times A Week Should I Train ?

So how many times a week should you train to build muscle? I'm glad you asked. Most people experience over training in the beginning and they're muscles get sore. Sometimes you'll find that you just don't have enough time to train, or you've got an injury. There are many reasons why it's sometimes hard to get to the gym. Just lack of motivation is common. But I'm sure that after you've seen some results, you'll be busting to get more done every time you train.

This is the ideal muscle building frequency. You should be doing weight training, with heavy weights (lifting about 5-7 reps, for 2-3 sets each muscle group) 3 times a week. No more, no less. The important part of this program is that you're lifting heavy weights, with short rep counts. This stimulates your muscles to grow most effectively. Take 1 day off each week, so you don't over train, and do some cardio on your off days if you're looking to lose some weight too. Your training sessions should be no longer than an hour. This keeps your body in an anabolic state where your muscles grow most effectively.

The purpose of the weight training is to stimulate your muscles to grow. That's it. Give your muscles the stimulation they need to grow, and you'll get big in no time. When you're sleeping, and while you're at work, your hard work will be paying off.

The best thing about this kind of training is that you're not a slave to the gym. You've now got plenty of time to hang out with your friends, and get your work done. It's really that easy. Get to the gym 3 times a week, work out hard for 45 minutes and lift heavy weights.

You'll be surprised at how quickly you gain muscle training like this. Make sure you give it a go for a few months so you can see the difference. Gaining muscle weight takes some time, and effort. And make sure you're eating good quality foods too. Muscles need vitamins and nutrients to grow, so you must feed them well. Get a good source of protein into your body after each workout and you will be massive in no time. If you're not sure how a lift is done, get someone to show you. Keep it real!

Before you buy anything online, make sure you check out Dave Vower's superior advice and building muscle tips for beginners and advanced training. You can get more Building Muscle Tips than you'll know what to do with! Don't reprint the same version as everyone else. Get your own unique content muscle building books article here.

Benefits of Exercises To Build The Back Muscles

exercises to build the back muscles should form a part of your daily exercise routine. Most of us forget to exercise the back muscles though they are vital for maintaining proper posture and preventing debilitating back pain later in life. A strong and healthy back prevents injuries to the back in the normal course of life.

Back injuries and back pain are one of leading problems that most men and women face in their life times. Many have to restrict their activities because of pain. Exercises to build the back muscles can strengthen them and make them supple and pliant so you can do a variety of tasks with least discomfort. As somebody said only the person who suffers back pain understands how difficult it can become to do even the most simple of tasks like bending and retrieving a toy.

Modern lifestyle where we sit on bad chairs with bad postures is a major reason why back pain has become almost normal part of most people's lives. The lifestyle of people in older days involved a lot of physical labor, bending and stretching and they never had back problems. Long hours sitting in front of computers with head bent forward with no support for the back can weaken your pain and easily injure it.

The exercises to build the back muscles are simple to do and don't take much time. About 10 minutes are quite enough to strengthen your muscles for day-to-day activities. It is one of the reasons why we easily and conveniently forget to do them. Before you start your exercises to build the back muscles learn a little about your back. Your back comprises of three main areas the upper-back, middle back and the lower back. Every part is important and needs to be exercised. There are any number of websites and articles that will teach you simple to do exercises to build the back muscles.

However, if you want the chiseled body builder look you need to really work hard at it. It requires a fitness regime that is quite intense and takes a lot of effort. You have to be prepared to spend hours in the gym every week, building your muscles through weight training and properly nurturing the muscles through well balanced diet and body building supplements. Your muscles need a lot of food to grow and become bigger and recover from workouts when body building.

You can choose the level of exercises to build the back muscles that suit your needs.

Mike Parker invites to visit his how to build up muscle website for ways to build muscle and attract women. Get your free copy of "How Your Physique Affects the Female Mind" right here now. http://www.musclyjerk.com

Friday, April 26, 2013

Women Are Into Bodybuilding

Bodybuilding has burgeoned into a legitimate career field that is attracting those women as well as men who are willing to make the necessary personal sacrifices to achieve success.

However, no longer is the weight room the exclusive domain of contest-oriented bodybuilders and big-time pro athletes (e.g., football, basketball, baseball and hockey players). It would appear that on the whole, Americans have finally come to a point of intelligent awareness about weight training and an appreciative acceptance of bodybuilding and bodybuilders.

Within the past ten or so years the number of "everyday people" working out with the diverse types of weight-training equipment - Camm II, Cybex, Nautilus, Universal, Weight Master, or "free weights" (barbells and dumbbells) - has risen markedly.

There has also been a noticeable increase in the number of amateur and professional physique contests along with an increase in competitors and audience size. Even a casual observer of this sport would be hard pressed to fail to notice that not only is the number of competitors getting deeper but the quality is getting better with each new contest.

Bodybuilding is now big business, a multimillion dollar a year industry, that has attracted a host of assorted entrepreneurial types. Gym owners, magazine publishers, sports-apparel clothiers, promoters, agents, producers of weight-lifting videos, all are currently earning enough money from the realm of "glistening bodies and tingling muscles" to afford themselves a relatively comfortable lifestyle. And their cumulative input has helped to make professional bodybuilding more sophisticated, more complex, and much more profitable than it was in previous years.

Of course, innovative and sunny California is the mecca for bodybuilders, with Florida and New York tying for second. Nonetheless, statistics show that more muscle books and magazines, exercising equipment and attire, in addition to numerous other health and fitness items, are being sold at the present time than ever before.

Now to the uninitiated, the world of competitive bodybuilding might appear to be a strange world. And, in truth, it is undeniably different from the world most people are used to. It is somewhat of an esoteric world -- a world with its own unique language, norms, culture, and particular geographic locations, both in the states and in foreign countries, where accomplished practitioners of this subculture are looked upon as being demigods and are rewarded with huge sums of money.

It is a world where the human body is molded and shaped by "pumping iron," lifting heavy poundage weights a few reps to build "bulk" and "mass," and lifting light poundage weights multiple reps to acquire "definition" and "cuts." It is a world where the body is divided into seven-muscle groups: the abdomen, the back, the buttocks, the chest, the arms, the legs and the shoulders, with no single group of these muscles being more important than any one of the others.

It is a world where the bodybuilder, in an effort to fashion the perfect physique, experiences strain, soreness and pain. It is a world of special foods, protein drinks, supplemental vitamins and strict pre-contest dieting. It is a world where both male and female bodybuilders pray daily for maximum muscle growth gains. It is a world where some of these bodybuilders inject male hormones into their systems to assure an increase in their muscle size and strength.

It is a world where bodybuilders - other than fulfilling the fundamental requirements of being genetically endowed, training hard and having a well-choreographed stage presentation - must be good-looking, articulate, personable and well-versed on the topics of anatomy, physiology, nutrition, weight management and the historical evolution of bodybuilding in order to be considered true world-class competitors.

At one time, women, in their traditionally more sedentary life role, were not as athletically inclined as men. They were neither encouraged to evolve physically nor to engage in strenuous physical activities. They were encouraged, however, to put on skimpy bathing suits and appear onstage at male physique contests to hand out trophies to the winners and to provide a pleasurable diversion for the predominantly male audience. Well, today, another citadel of the noble male animal has stubbornly but emphatically bitten the dust, as women have muscled their way into muscledom.

The majority of modern-day women who weight train do so because they have realized that it can improve their health, enhance their overall physical fitness and appearance and better their athletic performance. But in addition to the aforementioned, other women have realized that magazine exposure, television coverage, acting and modeling assignments, plus physique contests, seminars, mail-order businesses, the endorsement of weight-training equipment, gym shoes, workout attire, besides sundry additional health-related products have brought worldwide attention and financial gain to a sizable number of professional women bodybuilders. And some of these women generate incomes that range in the six-figure-a-year earnings bracket.

Consequently, competitive women's bodybuilding has become a fast growing sport, adding a fresh and exciting dimension to the bodybuilding scene. And the woman bodybuilder has come to be a positive symbol for her badgered sex caught up in exploitative propaganda of gimmicky ways to obtain instant beauty and good health.

Nevertheless, despite all that's been said, far too many women still labor under gross physical and physiological misconceptions about weight training that can impede their physical progress. As an example, scores of women continue to believe that weight training will cause them to become "muscle-bound" and look like a man. This is a fallacy. Women don't have the male hormone testosterone in abundant enough quantity to produce the herculean-sized muscles of competitive male bodybuilders. And there is simply no way for women to bring these muscles into being without making a conscious decision to do so by taking harmful drugs.

Furthermore, reshaping the body and improving stamina and strength to endure as well as bounce back from the daily grind of life are one thing, whereas competitive bodybuilding is another thing. In competitive bodybuilding, the athlete works very hard on his or her muscles with the singular aim of forging a rock-solid, power-packed, well-defined physique for competition that a conventional thinker might consider to be an unsightly physique. Therefore, those women who are naturally prone to gain weight, and those who are turned off at the thought of even possibly developing gigantic muscles can prevent these things from occurring by eating moderately, by working out with light poundage weights at a high number of repetitions and by not injecting male hormones into their systems.

Due to the voluminous amount of information currently available on health and exercise, many women know about the gains they can derive from cardiovascular and flexibility training. They know such aerobic activities as bicycling, dancing, jogging, walking and swimming will burn fat, lower blood pressure, heighten metabolism, make the cardiovascular system operate more efficiently, and strengthen and tighten the legs and buttocks.

Yet many of these women don't know what to do about making the other muscles of the body firmer and stronger. They initially come to a gym with high hopes of getting rid of expanded hips and thick thighs, as well as making their bodies tone, which to them usually means losing fat without developing gigantic muscles.

Having primarily relied on dieting for weight control or reduction, they see gym training as a method of speeding up the calorie burning, streamlining process. Unfortunately, these women don't understand the relationship between muscle and shape. Dieting and aerobics alone will leave them with unappealing, unshaped muscles unless they do some kind of resistance training to better their bodies overall muscular condition. Muscle, unlike fat, can be shaped and contoured. And most women would benefit by losing an inch of adipose tissue and replacing it with a half-inch of muscle tissue.

Women have the same skeletal muscles as men, and, as with men, their muscles need to be properly exercised to form a truly well-conditioned, well-proportioned physique. Women also need to be aware that strength and femininity are not mutually exclusive. A woman can be strong with a "hard body" and be sexually desirable and feminine as well. Moreover, the double standard that permits men to grow old, but not women, should be abolished. Still, training the body becomes even more necessary with advancing age. Without some kind of resistance training the muscles begin to sag and atrophy while a woman is in her early 20s. And by the time she reaches her 30s or 40s, it's quite possible for her to lose all the sex appeal she was so proud of when she was young.

Obviously, weight training cannot stop the aging process. But it can stave off the limitations of old age by keeping the body healthy and strong. Weight training slows down, and in some cases reverses, what time and gravity inflict on the body. As a consequence, a woman can have an eye-catching, physically fit body regardless of what her chronological age may be.

Thus, weight-trained women are revealing to women around the globe that through weight training, aerobic exercise and proper diet, women can have the type of body that is athletically and aesthetically ideal for them: lean, firm, well-balanced, vigorous and youthful. And by way of media exposure, women bodybuilders have been able to demonstrate to the public at large the beauty, grace, power, and sinewy muscularity that can be attained by women.

Outlined below is a basic list of anatomical and exercise principles that women should keep in mind so as to assist them in reaping the most realistic results from their weight-training workouts:

1. Women's muscles do get bigger from working out with weights, but not that much bigger.

2. Muscle mass in women usually brings about improvement in muscle shape, which is revealed by way of a more appealing, well-formed physique.

3. Through exercise you burn fat stored in the body to uncover the muscle beneath the skin. Fat never changes into muscle.

4. If you finish your set of repetitions too easily (for instance, you could have done 3 or 4 more reps), you should think about using a heavier weight.

5. Free weights and machines perform the same function: they provide resistance against which your muscles can contract. One type of equipment does not necessarily make you thicker and the other type slimmer.

6. Working out with free weights has a different feel from working out with machines. So you will have to experiment with both to find out which one is appropriate to use for the exercise you're doing.

7. In most cases, a woman's upper body is much smaller and weaker than her lower body. For this reason, the upper body must be worked a lot more to make it bigger and stronger.

8. The more notable physical changes require the greatest amount of time and work; exercise helps in controlling body weight but not to the exclusion of diet. You shouldn't look for, nor expect, a dramatic overnight change in your weight and physique.

9. Progressive-resistance training is not enough, you need aerobic and flexibility training, too. In fact, you should get involved with various kinds of exercise to keep your workout interesting as well as to produce total-body fitness.

Sanskrit Tattoo Designs For Wrist Tattoos

Sanskrit is ancient. Historians date it to before 1500 BC. It was originally a language used for the Hindu religion, then expanded into royal Indian courts, and eventually found its way into everyday use. Today, Sanskrit is only used in the Hindu and Buddhist religions. In this respect, Sanskrit shares the same fate as Latin.

Did Sanskrit tattoo designs exist in ancient India? No one knows now. However, we know that henna temporary tattoos have been used by women in India and the Middle East for many hundreds of years, and we also know that India was quite technologically advanced in ancient times (India was producing and exporting high quality steel when Europe could barely produce poor quality iron). So it is quite possible that Indians already had tattoos in their distant history.

Formally, tattoos are taboo in Hinduism. In this respect, it is similar to the other major religions in the world. On the other hand, only priests still learn Sanskrit. You could walk past the common man in any Indian street with your Sanskrit tattoos and none of them would be able to read what it says.

In America, surveys show that 17% of the population have at least one tattoo. While you probably won't see a judge, lawyer or banker sporting a tattoo, they are fair game for almost anyone else.

How Did Tattoos Become Popular?

Why have tattoos become so widely accepted? Partly because of technological advancements. In the past, tattoo parlors were dark, poorly lit and dirty places strongly resembling underground gambling dens. Tattoo johnnies used the same needles for everyone, and rarely sterilized their needles. Nowadays, we have professional tattoo studios with high-tech equipment and needles are only used once then thrown away. In some places, getting a tattoo is like going for a hair cut or beauty makeover - so great is the change in image of tattoos.

The internet is another contributing factor. People don't accept what they don't know about. But now, anyone can find out all they want about tattoos by doing a simple search on the internet. There is no longer anything to fear. The internet also lets people find good tattoo art. You can find and download nearly any kind of tattoo flash nowadays - anything from Sanskrit tattoo designs to tribal tattoos to fantasy tattoo art like fairies and dragons. You are no longer limited to what the tattoo johnny can design in his little parlor.

But perhaps Hollywood has been the biggest influence. Movie and TV stars have been getting and showing off tattoos in recent years. Jessica Alba has a wrist tattoo with a Sanskrit lotus flower (Padma). Gillian Anderson (X-Files) also has a wrist tattoo with the word "everyday" in Sanskrit.

Sanskrit Tattoo Designs On The Wrist

On the wrist, you can have a tattoo on top, on the inside or even around the entire circumference.

On top of your wrist or on the inside of your wrist, you will probably only have a single Sanskrit character or image. One good and popular design is the Om symbol - a powerful symbol which is one of the sounds which created the universe. It looks cool and mystical, and is completely monochrome.

Or you could get a lotus flower tattoo like Jessica Alba. You could make one symbolic lotus flower which looks like the Mandalas used for yoga meditation. Unlike the Om Sanskrit tattoo, the Padma lotus flower will be bright and colorful. Spiritually, the lotus flower represents rising above the masses - just like the lotus which has its roots far underwater in the mud and beautiful flowers high above on the surface of the water.

Around the circumference of the wrist, Sanskrit tattoo designs are not really suitable for a traditional thick armband tattoo. However, Sanskrit alphabets are suitable for thin armband tattoos called permanent bracelets. Sanskrit alphabets have horizontal bars on top and curves below - you just link up all the bars on top and you have a beautiful tattoo going around your wrist.

Are you looking for great Sanskrit tattoo designs? Click here to find out more about Sanskrit tattoo designs.

Video Source: Youtube

Thursday, April 25, 2013

How To Train For Mountain Climbing

Are you ready for your mountaineering trip? Climbing a mountain isn't like any other activity that you only have to prepare the food, gears and transportation. Apart from those preparations, you also have to physically train yourself if you want to be a mountaineer. Mountaineering is a sport which also needs a great deal of physical training, or else, you might faint before you reach the peak.

Your hectic lifestyle may leave you with limited time to train prior to your trip. Thus, you will have to maximize your time to get yourself in better shape when you climb mountains. You wouldn't want to easily get tired. Constant fatigue takes out much of the fun involved in the sport.

Probably the most efficient way to physically train yourself to be a mountaineer is to try to simulate what you'd be doing in the mountains. You can try to practice climbing or bouldering moves that you have learned over and over again. You have to be able to master the technique so you can execute it properly.

Take note that fitness for a marathon runners is different from the fitness that we're trying to build. Since you'll be climbing mountains, you need to focus on specific areas of fitness. Your training should enable you to improve these elements of fitness.

A mountaineer needs to develop his strength and power. You'll be hiking and climbing for several days while carrying the weight of your backpack. Strength is the ability to lift heavy objects, but you also need to combine speed to that ability. Mountain climbing also requires you to do powerful climbing moves.

As a mountaineer, you will also have to work on your stamina. Simply put, stamina is strength with endurance. With stamina, you can get your muscles working at optimum level for longer periods. Agility is also important. It's basically power plus flexibility. When climbing, you may have to do some stretchy moves so you can go up or go down safely.

The key to effective training is specificity. Before you actually go on climbing the mountain, you can start doing the things you expect to do in the mountains. For example, you could start walking for long periods of time in the bush while carrying a heavy backpack. And then maybe proceed to a steep hill while still carrying that heavy weight. exercises such as these should condition your body enough for the mountaineering trip.

Of course, there are the basic workout exercises that you shouldn't miss. Do some push ups, squats, sit ups and other activities. You could also use the Swiss Ball. These exercises will ensure good conditioning and collaboration between your upper and lower body. However, make certain that you're doing the exercises the right way to avoid any possible injuries and ensure their effectiveness.

To improve your stamina, run at least three times a week. You could also opt to mountain bike when going to work. Swimming on the other hand may not give you very good results in improving your stamina.

Knowing all this information, you should be able to develop a physical training plan for your mountaineering trip. Mountain climbing is an activity that you should prepare for. Without proper training, you could kill yourself, or even put your companions' life in danger.

Set aside a specific time of the day each day for you to train. Start training at least a month before the day of the climb. Your training could start off from a low intensity regime which should gradually increase.

You can use walking up the hill as your warm up exercise. Add a few pounds of weight each time. This should condition your body to walk long distances while carrying a heavy weight. Then of course, get down to a few workout exercises afterwards. You may want to work on a specific program for a certain day. For example, you could work on your upper body today then on your legwork next time.

Also, don't forget to eat right. Try to increase your carbohydrate intake temporarily. Carbohydrates should give you enough energy to fuel your strenuous exercises. Continue your physical training until the day of the climb. However, you will want to ease off with a lower intensity workout a day before.

Learn about mouse pictures and humane mouse traps at the About Animals site.

Video Source: Youtube

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

How To Build Muscle Mass Quickly Through Workouts With Dumbbells

As a once skinny guy who had a ridiculously difficult time gaining even a single pound of bodyweight, my mind was constantly nudged with the question of how to build muscle mass quickly. I was very self-conscious with my lanky frame and the thought of joining a gym full of muscle-bound folks made me shudder with embarrassment, hence my initial foray into the world of muscle building began at home, performing workouts with dumbbells.

The need for professional gym equipment cannot be overemphasized when it comes to building muscle. Tools like the squat rack, an Olympic or standard bar, and a set of weight plates provide access to a wider array of workouts and ultimately offers the greatest amount of muscle gains, but be that as it may, it's still POSSIBLE for a beginner to have a noticeably muscular physique with just a pair of adjustable dumbbells, along with a trusty weight bench. These are the only tools I used in my initial attempt to build muscles and combined with a sensible mass building diet plan, the results were nothing short of encouraging!

Now you can stop thinking about how to build muscle mass quickly and commence training with maximum intensity using the following workouts with dumbbells. These are what you call "compound" based movements"; they stimulate the greatest amount of muscle fibers and should be treated as the bread and butter of your training routine.

1. Training the legs - Heavy dumbbell squats are your best friend when it comes to developing a set of powerful legs. It's a totally intense exercise and requires the synergist of every muscle of the legs in order to be properly executed. No two ways about it, if you're serious about adding pounds of solid muscles, this exercise is a must-do. Another decent leg workout is the dumbbell lunges which also help to develop your quads and hamstrings.

2. Training Your Back - For adding thickness to your back, you can opt for the one-arm rows or the dumbbell bent-over rows. These two exercises are excellent for squeezing the muscles of the back, allowing the muscle fiber to be maximally recruited for increased muscle growth and strength. Looking for a more intense dumbbell exercise to stimulate your back muscles? Then look no further than the deadlifts! Many lifters swear by this exercise, and rightly so, as this movement is capable of hammering the entire back complex resulting in a fast and unprecedented muscle development. A lot of folks prefer to use the barbell when performing this exercise but a pair of dumbbells can get the job done just as well.

3. Training Your Arms - There are many workouts with dumbbells to choose from in order to train the smallest yet, highly favored muscle group of the body The traditional dumbbell curls or preacher curls work great for your biceps and should you wish to put a little emphasis on the forearm region, you could opt for the hammer curls. As for the triceps, the following exercises come to mind; one-arm extensions, dumbbell kickbacks, and of course the classic overhead dumbbell extensions.

4. Training Your Shoulders - The dumbbell shoulder press is a critical movement for the overall development of your shoulder muscles. It hits the middle part of your deltoids giving them a nice round, protruding look. Ever heard of the Arnold press? It's basically a variation of the traditional shoulder press and is also a worthy addition to your dumbbell training armory. For hitting the front and rear part of the shoulders, I'd recommend the front dumbbell raise and the bent-over lateral raise respectively.

5. Training Your Chest - You need a solid, adjustable incline/decline weight bench in order to execute the most powerful chest exercise ever invented. What is the exercise you ask? Why it's none other than the classic bench press. The granddaddy of all chest movements! Why do you need an "adjustable incline/decline" weight bench? Well, it's best that you include the incline and decline version of this exercise when training your chest so you may vary the angle of push for better growth in the upper and lower part of the chest muscles.

These are the workouts with dumbbells that address the standard newbie question of "how to build muscle mass quickly". Trust me, just a pair of adjustable dumbbells and weight bench along with a decent mass gaining diet plan can work wonders for your body.

To YOUR Muscle Building SUCCESS

Eugene Armand was a skinny bloke who wanted a muscular body for the longest time. His wish finally came true thanks to his persistence and thirst for muscle building knowledge. Discover how to obtain a noticeably muscular physique in just 6 short weeks at:


Video Source: Youtube

Elliptical Trainer Vs Stationary Bike

When I joined my first commercial gym back in 1988 I began to explore new approaches to weight training. The wide assortment of weight training equipment was staggering for someone who had worked out in the basement for years with just a barbell set and a weight bench. My new gym had a vast array of equipment -- Olympic plates, exercise benches, power rack, leg presses, etc. My weight training was about to enter a radical new phase that would propel my gains to the next level.

By contrast, in a small area at the front of the gym was the cardio section. The selection of equipment was limited to a few different brands of stationary bikes and a rowing machine. There were no treadmills or elliptical trainers. The elliptical trainer was another 7 years away. Basically it was the stationary bike or nothing. At the time, this was fine since I was much more focused on weight training. I’d hop on a stationary bike for 10 minutes for a quick warm-up prior to commencing my weight workout.

I stuck with stationary bikes for many years. I eventually became aware of the need to increase my cardio work. My time on the stationary bike increased to 30 minutes and I also began setting aside sessions that were dedicated to cardio and ab training. I tried stationary bikes from Schwinn, Tunturi, and Life fitness. I eventually settled on the newer bikes from Life fitness, which for me had the smoothest feel and best consoles.

However, I never really enjoyed my cardio sessions on the stationary bike. It was just too darn boring! Sure, I tried reading magazines, but I didn’t like the distraction when I was going for a higher intensity workout.

I was very grateful when my gym installed its first NordicTrack skiers. It was night and day compared to the stationary bike. Several years later I switched over to elliptical trainers and there’s been no looking back.

So why are stationary bikes still with us? It would seem that the explosive popularity of treadmills and ellipticals would have pushed them to the wayside. Though stationary bikes have given up market share to treadmills and ellipticals they still have a strong following and for several good reasons:

*Like elliptical trainers, stationary bikes are low impact machines. They minimize the forces on the knees, ankles, and feet. Great for people who have joint problems or are rehabilitating after knee surgery.

*Stationary bikes can provide a strenuous cardio workout and are more than adequate for burning fat.

*Unlike elliptical trainers, stationary bikes can actually be used to build up leg muscles – quadriceps and calves. Of course, this requires progressively increasing the resistance on a continual basis. In my opinion, it’s better to keep the focus on either fat burning or cardio conditioning and use weight training for muscle building.

*Stationary bikes take up less space than elliptical trainers, which makes them a better choice for people who have limited space in their homes.

*Stationary bikes are less expensive than comparable ellipticals.

*Stationary bikes have a lot of appeal to people who enjoy cycling or mountain biking.

Some of the cons:

*Stationary bikes are not weight bearing, which means that you should engage in weight training or switch up with a treadmill or elliptical trainer to get this bone-strengthening benefit.

*Stationary bikes only engage the muscles of the lower body unlike most ellipticals, which also involve the arms. This in turn gets your heart rate up quicker making for a more efficient exercise.

*For some people, like myself, stationary bikes can be on the boring side. Decide for yourself on this point.

*A sore butt from extended sessions.

*Studies have suggested that men may be at an increased risk for impotence from over use of stationary bikes. The jury is still out on this study, but it is certainly something to pay attention to. At least there’s no risk of this from using an elliptical trainer!

Like most decisions it comes down to what fits in best with your preferences and lifestyle. The important thing is to make a decision, don’t look back, and use whatever piece of exercise equipment you choose on a regular basis. That’s the only way you’ll start seeing results!

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Carmelo Pierce

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Xylitol and Alternative Sweeteners

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Dealing with the Frustrations of Stuttering

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4 Important Reasons to Stop Smoking

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Understanding Skin Problems: Rosacea

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Quality Skin Care Treatment for Teens: The Facial

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Swami Baba Ramdev - Herbal Products and Divya Medicines

Swami Ramdev Born in year 1974 also known as Baba Ramdev is in fact an Indian Hindu swami and an passionate admirer of Swami Vivekananda and Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose. He is mainly well-known for his efforts into popularizing yoga Practices in different part of world. He is as well one of the founders of the Divya yoga Mandir Trust that aims to popularize Yoga and offer Ayurvedic treatments.

Divya Amla Churna for Eyes, Digestion and General Health

Amla or amalaki (Phyllanthus emblica) is full of medicinal actions and is considered as one of the richest possible natural source of vitamin 'C' or ascorbic acid. It also contains many necessary elements for keeping our body healthy and anti to germs and infections.

Divya Arshakalp Vati for Piles

* It helps in curing all types of piles like bleeding piles as well as dry piles

* Helps in relieving complications like pain, burning sensation, itching and colic pain.

* Helps in treating fistula-in-ano if taken regularly.

Divya Ashmarihar Ras for Kidney Stones

# It is in powder form &, is diuretic;

# It helps in dissolving deposited calculi & takes it out from the body

# It helps in relieving from complications like pains caused by it;

# Helps in removing edema & pain of kidney; stops the tendency of stone formation.

Divya Ashwagandha Churna for Stress, Fatigue and General Health

# Ashwagandha (Indian ginseng) has many important benefits, but is best known for its commanding adaptogenic properties, meaning that it helps mind and body become accustomed better to stress.

# It nourishes the nerves and perks up nerve function to help you uphold calm during stressful situations.

# It is also good for people who do physical labor or work out a lot, to help the body get used to to physical stress.

Divya Chandraprabha Vati for Urinary Disease

# Chandraprabha Vati is Very famous & useful medicine for the diseases relating to urinary tract & uterus as well as seminal disorders.

# Cures mutra-kricchra (dysuria) that is being caused by prostate enlargement, suppression of urination, joint pains, arthritis, cervical sciatica, weakness, stone in urinary tract, all types of prameha (obstinate urinary diseases including diabetes), bhagandara (fistula-in-ano), testicle enlargement, anemia, kamala (serious type of jaundice), piles & lumbar pain; promotes fluid and nourishment in the body.

# Promotes strength, sustenance & luster, produces gradual & enduring effect in prameha (obstinate urinary disorders including diabetes) & complications arising out of it; cures seminal disorders caused by gonorrhea and syphilis.

Divya Churna for Constipation

# It helps in curing constipation & takes out the faeces adhered in the intestines; activates intestines, so the internal layer of intestines does not allow the faeces to adhere there again.

# It helps in total evacuation of stomach; removes disappointment & makes the body active.

Divya Dant Manjan Tooth Powder

# Helps in Strengthens the gums, as a result of which discharge of pus mixed with blood gets stopped;

# Takes away food-particles from teeth;

# Helps in removing foul smell of the mouth,

# Makes salivary gland fit for doing its work properly.

Divya Gashar Churna for Removal of Gas

* Divya Gashar Churna helps in digesting the food, so there is no incidence of gas & acidity, etc., caused by indigestion.

* Divya Gashar Churna immediately cures feeling of heaviness of abdomen, flatulence, colic pain and anorexia after food.

* Divya Gashar Churna (powder) keeps away the gas of abdomen.

Divya Hridayamrita Vati for Heart Disease

# It helps in strengthening the heart,

# Helps in removing blockage of the arteries of the heart & controls high cholesterol;

# It Instantaneously relieves the common occurrence of angina pain;

# Activates the inactive capillaries of the heart; promotes its work-capacity, and removes uneasiness & palpitation.

Divya Kanti Lep for Increasing Skin Splendour

* Divya Kanti Lep Instantaneously cures skin-disorders, viz. pimples, acne, wrinkles on face, loss of shining & luster, darkness, etc.

* Divya Kanti Lep Application of this paste absorbs all the complaints of the skin, as a result of which the skin again becomes healthy; the natural beauty of the face reappears; it also promotes splendor, shining & luster on the face.

Divya Kayakalp Tail Oil for Skin Problems, Cracks and Burns

* Divya Kayakalp Tail Quickly curses all types of skin-disease, like ring-worm (dadru), itching, eczema, leucoderma, psoriasis, urticaria, freckles, skin allergy & sun-burning.

* Divya Kayakalp Tail Gives quick relief in cracks of hands & feet, burns, cuts & wounds. This oil is extremely useful & beneficial, so it should always be kept in each & every home.

Divya Kayakalp Vati for Skin Disease, Acne and Pimples

* Divya Kayakalp Vati Purifies blood, so cures all types of skin-diseases successfully.

* Divya Kayakalp Vati Removes acne, pimples, dark spot on checks & spots on the face.

* Divya Kayakalp Vati Cures all types of chronic & complicated ring-worms (dadru), itches, pruritus & eczema instantaneously. It is a complete cure for leucoderma & psoriasis as well.

Divya Kesh Tail Hair Oil for Hair Loss, Dandruff and Headache

* Divya Kesh Tail is like nectar for your hair; it cures untimely hair fall, dandruff, alopecia, premature graying of hair, etc. By applying this oil, hair becomes healthy & luxurious.

* As Divya Kesh Tail is prepared with many celestial herbs, it also strengthens your eyes & brain, as well as cools the brain.

* Divya Kesh Tail is also useful in headache & different types of head-diseases.

Divya Madhu Nashini Vati for Diabeties

# Divya Madhu Nashini Vati Activates the pancreas and helps it to secrete a balanced quantity of Insulin, through which extra Glucose gets converted into Glycogen.

# Divya Madhu Nashini Vati Removes weakness & irritation, as well as increases the capacity of the brain by making it strong.

# Divya Madhu Nashini Vati Cures the numbness of hands & feet and makes the nervous system strong.

Divya Madhukalp Vati for Diabetes

# Divya Madhukalp Vati Activates the pancreas and helps it to secrete a balanced quantity of Insulin, through which extra Glucose gets converted into Glycogen.

# Divya Madhukalp Vati Removes weakness & irritation, as well as increases the capacity of the brain by making it strong.

# Divya Madhukalp Vati Cures the numbness of hands & feet and makes the nervous system strong.

Divya Medha Kwath for Headache and Memory Enhancement

* Divya Medha Kwath Cures chronic headache, migraine, sleeplessness or loss of sleep, negativity and depression.

* Divya Medha Kwath Cures uneasiness.

* Divya Medha Kwath Promotes memory.

Divya Medha Vati for Memory Loss and Improving Intelligence

# Divya Medha Vati Cures different types of mental disorders, like loss of memory, headache, insomnia, irritative temperament, epileptic fits.

# Divya Medha Vati Cools down the brain.

# Divya Medha Vati Cures excessive dreams, depression due to negative thinking, and uneasyness.

# Divya Medha Vati Very useful in loss of memory in old persons, or for those who forget things all of sudden.

Divya Medohar Vati for Weight Loss

# Divya Medohar Vati first removes disorders of the digestive system and then reduces the extra fat in thebody, making the body beautiful, compact, lustreful & active.

# Divya Medohar Vati Especially useful in thyroid disorders (hypo & hyper thyroid), rheumatic arthritis, joint pains, pain in lumbar region and knee, joints.

Divya Mukta Vati for High Blood Pressure

# Divya Medohar Vati Absolutely free from side effects.

# Divya Medohar Vati Cures high blood pressure caused by any cause, either by kidney disorder, heart disease or by increased cholesterol, anxiety, tension, or for inherited reasons.

# Divya Medohar Vati Also cures linked complications like insomnia, feeling of nervousness, palpitation, pain in the chest and head. There is no need to take any extra medicine for the relief of these complications. Intake of this 'Mukta Vati' will not produce excessive sleep in persons who by now have normal sleep.

Divya Peya Herbal Tea

# Divya Peya is An Ayurvedic drink, free from alcohol, having sweet taste & the best substitute for tea.

# It Promotes immunity in the body, so protects the attack of kaphaja diseases

# If by somehow there is an attack of kaphaja disease, patient gets immediate relief by its use.

# Stimulates power of digestion; strengthens body & brain, makes the brain tranquil; controls cholesterol & protects from heart-disease.

Divya Pidantak Ras for Joint Pain and Arthritis

* Useful in joint pain, arthritis, lumbar pain, cervical spondylitis, sciatica; gives immediate & permanent relief in all types of bodily pains.

Divya Pidantak Tail Massage Oil for Joint Pain and Arthritis

* Divya Pidantak Tail Immediately relieves joint pain, pain of lumbar region and knee-joints, cervical spondylitis, slip disk, trauma & different types of pain, oedema & inflammation.

Divya Sanjivani Vati for Cold, Fever and Flu

* Divya Sanjivani Vati is the perfect medicine to combat cold, fever and flu. It helps strengthen the immune system so that there will be no recurrence of the sickness.

Divya Shilajeet Rasayan Vati for Impotency

* Divya Shilajeet Rasayan Vati Produces positive effect on vatavahini nadi (nervous system), kidneys and channels which carry virya (semen).

* Divya Shilajeet Rasayan Vati Vayu-alleviating, promoter of strength and the quantity of semen (spermatopoetic).

* Divya Shilajeet Rasayan Vati Particularly useful in night fall swapnadosha, prameha (obstinate urinary disorders including diabetes) and leucorrhoea.

Divya Shilajeet Sat for Gout and Weak Immune System

* Divya Shilajeet Sat Cures gout , cervical spondylitis, sciatica, pain in the lumbar region & knee joints, parkinson, joint pain & all other types of pain;

* Divya Shilajeet Sat Very effective remedy for cold, cough, rhinitis, coryza, asthma (dyspnoea), bronchitis, weakness of lungs , tuberculosis, weakness of bones, general weakness, seminal diseases, diabetes, etc. Promotes immunity power, can be taken by all, i.e. men, women and even children, to cure diseases.

Divya Singhnaad Guggulu for Rheumatism

# Guggulu is the oleogum resin from a small tree (Commiphora Mukul) which grows in the Himalayas of northwestern India. It has anti-inflammatory and lipid-lowering properties. It also helps remove fat, excess fluids and ama from the body, and penetrates deep into the tissues.

# Singhnaad Guggulu is used to address rheumatic conditions. According to Ayurveda, rheumatism is viewed as the body's inflammatory reaction to an excessive amount of toxins in the system. Singhnaad Guggulu combines the potent cleansing ingredients of castor oil and triphala, which remove toxins from the joints and blood. In addition, it contains anti-inflammatory agents, such as Guggulu, that work to calm and sooth painful and swollen joints. This formula serves to rejuvenate the body and improve digestion, thus minimizing further production of toxins and rheumatic symptoms.

Divya Stri Rasayan Vati for Menstruation

* Divya Stri Rasayan Vati Cures all types of diseases of woman viz., leucorrhoea, menorrhagia, irregularity in menstruation, pain in lower abdomen or lumbar region;

* Divya Stri Rasayan Vati Very useful in excessive bleeding during menstruation; cures all types of female diseases if taken regularly for some time;

* Divya Stri Rasayan Vati Useful in curing wrinkles on the face, dark circles below eyes, feeling of exhaustion in the body & laziness.

Divya Swasari Ras for Lung Problems, Bronchitis and Asthma

* Intake of this medicine makes the cells of the lungs more active, and removes the inflammation of bronchioles & bronchi. So lungs become capable to take more oxygen & patient gets rid of chronic diseases like bronchitis;

* An expectorant by the intake of which phlegm adhered in lungs comes out easily and there is no further formation of phlegm;

* Promotes the immune power of lungs, and cures cough, coryza, cold, asthma, sneezing, heaviness in the head and sinusitis;

* An excellent tonic for lungs to nourish them.

Divya Triphala Churna for Rejuvination and Detoxification

# Divya Triphala Churna detoxifies and rejuvenates your body. It gently cleanses & detoxifies the system while simultaneously replenishing & nourishing it, this formula supports the proper functions of the digestive, circulatory, respiratory & genitourinary systems.

# Supports healthy digestion & absorption, gently maintains regularity. It is a natural anti-oxidant, and it assists natural internal cleansing. Triphala nourishes & rejuvenates the tissues.

Divya Triphala Guggulu for Joint Pain, Piles and Weight Loss

This classic Ayurvedic preparation combines the detoxifying and rejuvenating actions of triphala with the deeply penetrating and cleansing actions of guggulu. Triphala Guggulu effectively decongests the channels of the body and scrapes away toxins held within the tissues. It is particularly useful for weight management as it enkindles the digestive fire, promotes healthy metabolism and releases excess kapha from the system. Used preventatively, Triphala Guggulu minimizes the accumulation of toxins in the body, blood and joints by supporting proper digestion and elimination.

Divya Udaramrita Vati for Digestion and Stomache Problems

* Divya Udaramrita Vati Cures all types of abdominal diseas

* es including abdominal pain, suppression of the power of digestion, indigestion, liver-diseases (e.g. jaundice), anaemia, chronic fever, diarrhoea and constipation.

Divya Udarkalp Churna for Indigestion and Constipation

* Divya Udarkalp Churna is pitta alleviating, a mild purgative & non-evacing medicine.

* Divya Udarkalp Churna Clears bowls and removes constipation; doesn't cause any type of burning or other complication in intestines.

* Divya Udarkalp Churna Stimulates digestion & digests ama (undigested material caused by impaired digestion & metabolism).

Divya Vatari Churna for Arthritis

* Divya Vatari Churna Very useful in all types of vata-roga (diseases caused by the aggravation of vayu-dosa and ama-vata) rheumatoid arthritis in which vayu gets agaravated due to the accumulation of ama or indigested product caused by the impaired digestion as well as metabolism, and causes pain in the joints of body.

* Divya Vatari Churna It is anodyne and it cures ama-vata (rheumatoid arthritis), sciatica, pain in back as well as in lumbar region.

Divya Yauvanamrita Vati for Weak Bodies and Impotency

# Divya Yauvanamrita Vati Exceedingly strength promoting & nourishing for persons whose body is exhausted & emaciated; and also useful for persons who are entering into old age.

# Divya Yauvanamrita Vati Strengthens heart & brain, promotes sexual desire, and makes the body active. It is an aphrodisiac.

Divya Yograj Guggulu for Joint Pain

Yograj Guggulu is a traditional formula designed to reduce excess vata in the system. It is particularly useful for accumulated vata in the joints and muscles, which may be indicated by cracking or popping of the joints, tics, spasms or tremors. Chronic accumulation may lead to such serious conditions as rheumatism and arthritis. In vata-type arthritis, the joints may feel cold to the touch and although not necessarily swollen, they may be dry and painful, especially upon movement. Yogaraj Guggulu contains a synergistic blend of detoxifying herbs, including Triphala, Chitrak and Vidanga that work in conjunction with guggulu to remove excess vata from the joints as well as the nerves and muscles.

Read more on Divya Medicines and Swami Baba Ram Dev Books

Monday, April 22, 2013

E/C/A Stack at it's Best

The Ever-Popular E/C/A Stack Bigger And Better Than Ever

There are really only two things that matter to a bodybuilder! 1) How big he is! And 2) How ripped he is! However, if you ask a hundred guys which one of the two is most difficult to obtain... 85% would say getting really ripped is the toughest! And remember this: a very smooth 18 ½ inch arm... will look much less impressive to the casual observer (women!!) than a ripped to the bone 16 ½ inch arm!

So as a “dedication” to pleasing the eyes of women this summer, this article will certainly help you please them as it unlocks the mystery of how to easily accomplish one of the hardest things in bodybuilding... getting freaky ripped!

Let’s get started! If you’ve been around the “game” for any length of time no doubt you’re already familiar with the famous ephedrine, caffeine, aspirin stack that originated all the way back to the early 1980’s.

However, as famous as this stack is, few people actually know the underlying bio-chemical reasons for its profound effects on fat metabolism. So the first part of this article is going to re-investigate the E/C/A stack so you can “grasp” why it actually works in the first place. Or should I say... your understanding of how it works will go deeper because you already know this stack causes what’s called thermogenic action, or a “heating up effect” in the body and thus the burning of fat!

OK, so what actually causes this reaction in the body... or better put, what is the first cause, from a bio-chemical standpoint, that leads to the actual elevation of body temperature that induces thermogenisis?

Well, I’ll tell you. The actual first cause of this thermogenic process is the increase in a molecule called cyclic Adenosine monophosphate, or cAMP for short.

cAMP is a chemical messenger derived from 5-adenosine tri-phosphate and its primary function is to act as an intracellular (inside the cell) transferer of hormones which cannot get through the cell membrane! And, it’s the elevation of this molecule that also causes the “heating up” or thermogenic action of the E/C/A stack... because the entire stack was designed to... elevate the hell out of cAMP!

So you see, this little known molecule will not only get you ripped out of your gourd... it will also transfer hormones (like testosterone and growth hormone) into the nucleus of the cell and increase their effect on protein synthesis even more!

So not only will elevated levels of cAMP get you ripped where you need to be ripped... it will also help you get big where you need to get big!

OK, now that you know that the “first cause” of thermogenisis is elevated cAMP levels, let’s breakdown all these components of the E/C/A stack and see how they effect cAMP levels. And after that, I’ll turn you on to a fourth “cAMP elevator” that will take this already incredible fat burning stack to a completely new level!


Ephedrine acts as a beta agonist and stimulates the release of noradrenaline... which then burns fat (especially hard to get rid of brown fat) by elevating cAMP. So the simple equation goes like this. Ephedrine intake “equals” noradrenaline release which “equals” cAMP release which then elevates body temperature and the eventual fat burning process.

2. Caffeine

Isn’t caffeine an amazing drug? Especially if you can get injectable caffeine citrate (Caficit), the most potent form available made by pharmaceutical giant Bhoenringer Ingelheim. But if you can’t, a strong cup of good old fashioned Folgers will still do the trick.

Why is it so amazing? Because it actually elevates cAMP by two mechanisms of action. The first is by the suppression of an enzyme called phosphodiestere. And the reason this is so important is because high levels of phosphodiestere greatly inhibit cAMP so you want to nullify this enzyme as much as you can. Additionally, caffeine also causes the release of noradrenaline, and as you already know, increased noradrenaline levels increase cAMP which in turn heats up the body!

3. Aspirin

Most guys won’t know this but many prescription drugs are inhibitors of enzymes, and this is how aspirin effects the E/C/A stack, through enzyme manipulation. And, as you should know, enzyme reactions in the body are our entire existence... because nothing “happens first” unless an enzyme is present to catalyze the reaction. For example, the reason people die when they take cyanide is because it destroys enzymes called Oxygenases that allow you to synthesize oxygen. So without the Oxyegenase enzyme... no oxygen, no life.

Now to the “coup de grace”, the final and fourth blow to all that stubborn fat that’s been hiding an otherwise perfect body. It’s called Enerselen.

4. Enerselen

Enerselen is another monster 5-adenosine tri-phosphate compound similar to TridenosenH™. The biggest differences between the two is that Enerselen is synthetic 5-adenosine tri-phosphate bonded to synthetic 5-uridine tri-phosphate (another potent anabolic cellular compound) where as TridenosenH™ is synthetic 5-adenosine tri-phosphate bonded to 5-arginine alpha Ketoglutarate which then increases endogenous (internal) synthesis of 5-uridine tri-phosphate. So basically, it’s a “toss-up” as for one being better than another, but we will say this... Enerselen is an illegal/controlled substance that you’re going to “pay hell” to get a hold of, while TridenosenH™ is legally available without a prescription, and in most instances, cheaper.

Let’s continue...

As you remember from the introduction, cyclic Adenosine monophosphate, “cAMP” is derived from 5-adenosine tri-phosphate. So, based on this simple logic, the more 5-adenosine tri-phosphate (and 5-uridine tri-phosphate) you have in your body, the more cAMP you’re going to have.

And the “more the merrier” it seems, is best with cAMP... because it’s almost impossible to get too much!

So in conclusion, if all these components of the famous E/C/A were intended to “indirectly” manipulate cAMP levels, and cAMP is derived “directly” from 5-adenosine tri-phosphate... then it doesn’t take Albert Einstein to deduce that compounds like Enerselen and TridenosenH™ are more potent thermogenically then the E/C/A stack!

And it also wouldn’t take Einstein’s enormous intellect to figure out that adding the E/C/A stack to either Enerselen or TridenosenH™... would simply make the whole thing, from a purely scientific viewpoint, the best fat burning combo ever invented!

And if any of the “Junior Chemists” out there think they can refute this scientific logic... then bring it the hell on! Oh, and one more thing. Be sure to keep your protein intake even higher with lots of water, because both Enerselen And TridenosenH™ are both very anabolic. So not only are guys getting shredded beyond comparison, they are putting on some serious muscle as well.

See you next month...

With ten pounds more muscle and ten pounds less fat!

Dane Fletcher is THE Training Authority and writes exclusively for GetAnabolics.com, a leading provider of Creatine Supplements and many other potent compounds to aid in Bodybuilding.

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Sunday, April 21, 2013

The Best Meditation Chairs Available

First, let's understand what meditation is and how it is defined. Meditation is a mental discipline in which one attempts to get their mind into a deeper state of relaxation and awareness. Meditation involves placing your attention to one point of reference.

Now with clear understanding of the need to be relaxed in order to meditate properly, it is important to be able to get your body into that state by sitting comfortably. Creating that unique and special place of ease has never been simpler with the use of meditation chairs and furniture. Here is where I can help you find the perfect piece that will not only get you to that state of relaxation quickly, but will look beautiful in your home.

First, there is the SEAGRASS MEDITATION CHAIR. Designed by a long time practitioner of meditation the Seagrass Meditation Chair was inspired by a need to sit comfortably in a contemplative manner. While sitting closer to the ground provides an unmatched sense of grounding the contemporary westerner often needs something more supportive than just a pillow on the floor.

By lifting the hips a comfortable distance from the floor this low profile chair allows the legs and feet to rest more naturally either on the floor or pulled up on the cushion in the traditional style of the East. In addition the sturdy back rest and pillow provide just the support needed making the Seagrass Meditation Chair the perfect platform for a peaceful sitting experience.

The Seagrass Chair is woven by Indonesian craftsmen from renewable seagrass over a sturdy mango wood frame and was designed to be both a stylish and ecological addition to your home. Also includes washable cotton cushion covers for practicality as children love these chairs too. The perfect choice for those looking for simplicity and harmony.

The next option is the beautiful RAJA MEDITATION CHAIR. The newly arrived Raja Meditation Chair is the latest in a line of finely crafted meditation furniture for the home or studio. The name "Raja" comes from the Sanskrit word for "royalty" and sitting in this chair will definitely help bring out your inner King or Queen.

The Raja Chair is also made from sustainable materials including a seat and back of woven banana leaf and a solid mango wood frame. In addition this piece features carved legs and decorative flower on the seat as well as coconut wood accents on the back. It also has shorter style arms to help support the arms while still allowing the legs to be crossed if desired.

As always, only water base finishes are used to protect the wood and minimize strain on your health and the environment. Cushions are made of natural kapok stuffing with removable cotton covers for washing. Unlike anything else we think you will find the Raja Chair to be a unique piece for either meditation or simply creating alternative seating arrangements in your home or studio.

The third option is the ECOPOD MEDITATION CHAIR. It's redesigned and has been modified from its predecessor for increased comfort and support while retaining its lovely curved shape. Constructed now from the same durable seagrass weave as the other meditation furniture the Ecopod now has a slanted forward seat to aid in proper spinal alignment while sitting. Lightweight and sustainable materials make the Ecopod an attractive and unique piece to show in your home while providing a perfect platform for supported meditation. Now available in 2 waterbase finishes (Natural & Espresso) with 2 different colored washable cushion covers (Cream & Mocha).

And the last chair that would be a good buy for you is the RATTAN LOTUS MEDITATION CHAIR. This amazing chair is made from 100% natural rattan over a bamboo frame. This unique piece of furniture was handcrafted by the finest artisans in Asia, taking several days to create. It is a beautiful addition to any space in your yoga studio, home, office or spa. The dimensions are approximately 20" high, 34" wide and 28" deep so it doesn't dominate or impose upon your quiet meditation space. You will feel more peaceful as soon as you sit down in this chair.

The design of this meditation chair is made to reflect the way we look when sitting in lotus during your yoga or meditation practice. Additionally, the design enables you to sit comfortably in an upright position with back support into the upper thoracic spine (depending on your height). You will feel your hips relaxing after about 5 minutes in the chair. The unique design of this meditation chair also promotes correct positioning of the body which helps to establish more effective breathing patterns, which is a tremendous health benefit for all of us. It also provides us with an opportunity to achieve deeper levels of meditation. This style of meditation chair is often selected by gurus and for those who meditate a great deal. Also comes with cushion and weighs 22lbs.

All 4 of these beautiful chairs are available to you. The Seagrass and Raja Chair links are below, while the Eco-Pod and Rattan Lotus can be found on that same website. I have done my research and this webstore offers these chairs at the lowest price available because they offer free shipping, so the price you see, is the price you pay, while others are charging an additional charge to get it to you. Hope you enjoy your new meditation chairs.

Find The Seagrass Chair Here: http://wholemindandbody.com/store/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=47&products_id=535

Find The Raja Chair Here: http://wholemindandbody.com/store/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=47&products_id=536

Friday, April 5, 2013

How To Open Third Eye: Are You Trying To Figure Out How To Open The Third Eye?

Want to unlock your psychic abilities and inner vision? Learning how to open the third eye chakra is the gateway to unlocking these special powers that we all naturally possess. In this article, I am going to show you one of the techniques that helped me accomplish this but first i would like to explain in more detail exactly what the third eye chakra is and what it does. It has been discovered that each and every one of us possess seven chakras located throughout the body. The third eye, is the sixth of these seven, and is located at the center of the forehead. It is the center of all psychic powers and higher intuition. With an opened third eye chakra, you can effectively tune into your higher self.

Now without further delay, I will show you one of my favorite exercises to open the third eye chakra.

This technique I am going to explain, involves activating the third eye through alternating nostril breathing.

1. 1. Start off by closing your right nostril. While keeping your right nostril closed, begin to take a long deep breath through the left one.

2. Visualize this stream of breath making it's way to the center of your forehead where your third eye chakra resides.

3.Now, close your left nostril and slowly exhale through your right nostril.

4. Visualize that same stream of air traveling back from the forehead and out of your nostril.

5. Keeping your left nostril closed, inhale once again out of your right nostril. Close that nostril, and exhale out of the left. Repeat the visualization of the stream of air traveling back into the forehead.

This is a time-tested technique, but it is important not to overdo it. For beginners, i recommend that you do not exceed more than ten rounds of this

For more more techniques, you can visit my website How To Open The Third Eye

I had tried everything imaginable to try and learn how to open the third eye chakra. I learned all kinds of yoga poses and exercises that was suppose to open my third eye, but they didn't help much at all. Next thing I tried was deep meditation sessions. While this was very relaxing and helped me feel more at peace it did not do anything to unlock my psychic abilities. I was becoming extremely frustrated and just about to give up when I came across this website PowerOfChakra.Com. After six days of listening to the third eye chakra frequency recordings, I started seeing fascinating and unimaginable things. I had finally done it, I was able to successfully open my third eye! If your really serious about opening your third eye chakra, visit this website so you can finally pry open that third eye!