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Friday, April 5, 2013

How To Open Third Eye: Are You Trying To Figure Out How To Open The Third Eye?

Want to unlock your psychic abilities and inner vision? Learning how to open the third eye chakra is the gateway to unlocking these special powers that we all naturally possess. In this article, I am going to show you one of the techniques that helped me accomplish this but first i would like to explain in more detail exactly what the third eye chakra is and what it does. It has been discovered that each and every one of us possess seven chakras located throughout the body. The third eye, is the sixth of these seven, and is located at the center of the forehead. It is the center of all psychic powers and higher intuition. With an opened third eye chakra, you can effectively tune into your higher self.

Now without further delay, I will show you one of my favorite exercises to open the third eye chakra.

This technique I am going to explain, involves activating the third eye through alternating nostril breathing.

1. 1. Start off by closing your right nostril. While keeping your right nostril closed, begin to take a long deep breath through the left one.

2. Visualize this stream of breath making it's way to the center of your forehead where your third eye chakra resides.

3.Now, close your left nostril and slowly exhale through your right nostril.

4. Visualize that same stream of air traveling back from the forehead and out of your nostril.

5. Keeping your left nostril closed, inhale once again out of your right nostril. Close that nostril, and exhale out of the left. Repeat the visualization of the stream of air traveling back into the forehead.

This is a time-tested technique, but it is important not to overdo it. For beginners, i recommend that you do not exceed more than ten rounds of this

For more more techniques, you can visit my website How To Open The Third Eye

I had tried everything imaginable to try and learn how to open the third eye chakra. I learned all kinds of yoga poses and exercises that was suppose to open my third eye, but they didn't help much at all. Next thing I tried was deep meditation sessions. While this was very relaxing and helped me feel more at peace it did not do anything to unlock my psychic abilities. I was becoming extremely frustrated and just about to give up when I came across this website PowerOfChakra.Com. After six days of listening to the third eye chakra frequency recordings, I started seeing fascinating and unimaginable things. I had finally done it, I was able to successfully open my third eye! If your really serious about opening your third eye chakra, visit this website so you can finally pry open that third eye!

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