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Saturday, June 29, 2013

Muscle Supplements - Bodybuilding Energy Drinks

Energy drinks have become quite popular since the late 1980s. The components have also come a long way as new compounds and recently discovered effective agents have been added to the mix. The question, however, still remains - Are bodybuilding drinks really effective or are people better off taking plain water? Find out more about the true nature and efficacy as well as the dangers behind seemingly healthy concoctions.

Energy drinks are beverages that can provide more energy in the form of good extra calories compared to other types. The calories these contain are actually lower compared to regular soft drinks and do not pose the usual side effect of glucose spiking. Bodybuilders basically consume these drinks at the start of the day, pre-workout or post-workout in order to increase their endurance and stamina to last different activities and exercises.

Some of the general components that can be found in bodybuilding energy drinks include methylxanthines, caffeine, herbs, guarana, B vitamins, taurine, maltodextrin for taste, creatine, carnitine, inositol, gingko biloba and glucuronolactone. Some brands may contain a lot of sugar but the main ingredient in all types is caffeine that enhances mood, alertness and focus. Eight ounces of the beverage usually have around 75 to 100 mg of caffeine.

Normally, the body heavily relies on glucose and glycogen stores for energy in order to support a variety of tasks. Since bodybuilders frequently burn up more calories and engage in various diets that basically controls carbohydrate intake, it is possible for glucose stores to run out faster compared to sedentary individuals. Bodybuilders aim to gain new lean muscle while preserving what they already have. This requires a strategic intake of calories. Since they perform heavy lifting regularly, they should properly allocate intake of extra calories at the right time so that the body consumes it to support the anaerobic tasks without eating up valuable muscle. Energy drinks are most effective and renders most noticeable results when consumed before or during exercise. Post-workout, these are also effective to replenish glycogen stores.

Many bodybuilders who take energy drinks strategically report several advantages including reduced muscle soreness after hitting the gym, reduced burning sensation during intense workouts and faster recovery. Some products contain alpha L-Polylactate which controls lactic acid production in the muscles responsible for causing post-workout pain responses. The type of sugar used in good energy beverages is also complex and produces the same effects as complex carbohydrates like brown rice, whole-wheat grains and oatmeal. This means that the body doesn't store unnecessary fat and sugar breaks down slowly to be properly absorbed and not hoarded as fat.

Other known benefits include cell protection through the presence of antioxidants. These work by inhibiting damage caused by free radicals formed during exercise. Oxygen distribution and blood circulation is also enhanced throughout the body minimizing muscle damage, prevent cramps and improve strength and performance. Electrolytes in the drinks insure that fluids and nutrients are well maintained in the muscles reducing the risk for injury and hastening recovery. With low osmolality, fluids and other nutrients are delivered to and absorbed by the muscles quickly so individuals can expect faster and more productive muscle gains.

Since there are virtually hundreds of brands and types to choose from, make sure that the bodybuilding energy drinks you pick perform as indicated - to provide energy. You don't have to pay for very expensive ones claiming to contain so many components you may not even have heard of before. Side effects are also possible among those who have forms of epilepsy, are pregnant or under 18 years of age.

Some drinks have been banned in a number of countries due to fatal results. Nervousness, dizziness, anxiety, restlessness, insomnia, vomiting, muscle twitching and headaches are other possible side effects.

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