Fat Secrets

Fat Secrets
Burn That Fat

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Three Exercises To Build Muscle Without Weights

Are you sitting at home thinking I want to build my muscles but I don't have any weights? Or are you worried of using weights because you do not have a partner to spot you? You should consider doing the following three exercise styles to help you improve muscle mass without weights.

Why would you do this though? One reason many people prefer these exercises to ones using weights is safety. If you are unable to have a spotter with you it isn't safe for you to use weights or you could have a serious injury. Another reason is you may just not be able to get to weights or you just really hate changing weights for every exercise. If you follow the three exercises below you will be able to get mostly the same result of using weights but without them.

1. The first way is to use resistance bands. Resistance bands are essential large rubbers tubes that substitute for weight. These resistance bands come in many different shapes and sizes and are more effective for muscles because of you get the whole muscle range and you get a good burn on them. If you think about it you can replace free weights with resistance bands for almost every exercise. If you are looking to do arm curls or overhead presses than the resistance bands are great for you. For an even better workout find ways to include body weight exercises with your resistance bands.

2. The other way to build muscle without weights is to use your body weight. These exercises are just as good as weight exercises and are free to do. Some of these exercises would be a pushup or a sit up. Even doing pull ups are an example of exercises that just use your body weight.

3. If you want you are able to combine both exercises 1 and 2. Using both bands and body weight is a great way to get an excellent workout but isn't something a serious bodybuilder should consider, it's more for the normal, everyday person. Some examples of using both the band and body weight for resistance are overhead curls, overhead presses, bicep curls, toe raises, and even ben over rows.

These are just some simple exercise programs that will help you to build muscle without weights. It is important though that if you can use weights you should probably do it because you can work different muscles with more intensity.

The Muscly Jerk reveals what women really want at his how to build up muscle website for ways to build muscle and attract women. Get your free copy of "How Your Physique Affects the Female Mind" right here now. http://www.musclyjerk.com

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