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Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Making Homemade Carp Boilies and Pastes Using High Protein Ingredients!

Few carp anglers really know the true origins of high protein boilies and amino acid based pastes but knowing some of the basic and more advanced information about them can help you get a better take on what they are, how to exploit them in different forms and how to make your own effective homemade baits and improved and adapted readymade bait – so why not read on now to find out more!

You might say that boilies have been around a bit longer than the last 50 years. Although Fred Wilton, the originator of modern HNV bait formulation was apparently already using boiled paste baits in the sixties or before, sin a way similar baits have been used in many countries for hundreds if not thousands of years prior to this. In the 1600s Izaak Walton described a carp paste bait based on cat meat or rabbit meat that incorporated bean flour and was sweetened using clarified honey or sugar, bound with wool and was preserved for as long as a year using virgin wax.

Although I do not know much about the digestibility of rabbit or cat meat, I do know that many beans contain substantially more digestible protein than durum wheat semolina or maize meal for instance. I find it fascinating that bean

(or pulse) flour was specified instead of barley or another form of grain flour!

It seems that the discovery of digestible higher protein baits was well-known centuries ago. If you look east to Asia higher protein feeds and high protein natural foods used for baits and for feeding cultured fish also figure highly over the centuries and soya bean is still in major use increasingly so all around the world.

When I got into catching bigger carp in the early eighties I noticed not merely the newer boilie powder mixes in 10 ounce bags for sale in fishing shops, following the success of the amino acid paste powders sold in 10 ounce bags. I also noticed that certain particles were on sale including tic beans among others. I assessed quite a few of these beans in terms of aspects such as protein levels, soluble fibre, betaine levels and other nutritional and bioactive factors and it seems that the majority of anglers are missing out on great baits that are simply not in fashion today.

I went through a long phase of fishing over haricot beans and red kidney beans for instance cooked in loads of curry powders and various plant extracts such as liquidised brassicas and other things that most people would find surprising – and did very well too. I did well on quite a few well researched fruits that I bought in dehydrated form and re-hydrated in various innovative ways. These and many other ideas were incorporated within many of my homemade baits over the years. For instance I used chick pea flour instead of soya flour and this works well with a few added additions to perk it up. Soya flour is a universally-used cheap bait ingredient so for me that was one to avoid and find replacements for.

Bait is not all about protein though and baits catch fish long-term without being sorted for limiting amino acids; after all, how many foods are you hooked on that are not sorted for amino acids?! Protein baits have so many factors you can adjust and manipulate or omit or enhance or whatever you like. Back in the seventies I used loads of different meats in canned forms and fresh and I found the fresh pork used in certain local brands of pork pies caught loads more fish than any of the tinned spams, luncheon meats, hams and bacon grill and chicken products I tried.

These days casein or rather various grades and forms of this are milk fraction or extract are used in many commercial baits but it is not usually used in the kind of levels and proportions it used to be used at in the very high protein milk protein bait days. Fred Wilton based his protein baits around milk proteins and particularly caseins and other caseinates. When you see how many essential amino acids and high levels of them that carp need that are present in caseins you can see why he chose this and indeed many basal test feeds for fish and other animals often utilise casein.

Different caseins are used in baits for various reasons and for various purposes but compared to calcium caseinate and sodium caseinate they are denser and less soluble in performance. Caseins have many aspects about them that lend them to bait making. For example instead of using wheat flour, soya flour, maize flour or semolina to bind my early sausage meat pastes specials I used casein and Casilan which I bought from the local chemists along with Minamino the now legendary soluble protein liquid.

Back in the seventies and eighties the secrecy surrounding carp baits was so far beyond what new anglers today could ever imagine. Sometimes on the bank other anglers when discussing baits would use code words and this kind of fear-driven scarcity mindedness made you feel alienated if you were not in that particular clique.

Although I was too young to get the details of HNV baits when first published by Fred Wilton and missed out the earlier information on amino acids and paste making. The treatment that many probably mentally ill secretive anglers had dished out to me made me even more determined to find out the truth on my own. I made friends and allies in various fields such as in pharmacies and body-building suppliers and in the pet food and aquarium feed trades and later had a friend who needed help fetching and carrying wholesale health foods imported from all over the world.

Very soon that I was competing successfully against the Fred Wilton HNV type guys who fished my local Essex waters and Darenth and other Kent waters where some of the house-hold names were making their names back in the day. I soon realised that flavours in both liquid and powder and other formats could be exploited in some very unusual ways and in the end I predominantly made my homemade baits without milk proteins and instead used protein-rich extracts and meals of other more economical kinds.

Around 1983 or 1984 readymade boilies came on the scene so those who wished could use baits straight from the bag instead of mixing them up at home or on the bank. These baits although having an alternative proteinous base were very much instant attractor types of baits and their catches suffered significantly when the first flush of success had worn off when in effect they had had their day and had blown. On the waters I fished that did not take many months and soon those newer anglers who had started carp fishing on the back of this new development and depended on these new baits were begging for tips on making their own baits and later on they were making their own unique baits using base mixes and ingredients etc from not only Richworth and Rod Hutchinson but many other suppliers.

Of course with increasing competition from all sides companies like Richworth have massively upped their game today - even to the degree of using their own bore-hole so they use relatively uncontaminated water instead of mains tap water in bait production. Actually I am not sure why all commercial boilies made commercially are not fast steamed these days – protein baits were always far more effective with the least cooking possible (if any at all) but boiling also damages and washes out so much in a bait.

These days I find that using refined protein-rich highly digestible extracts in high doses in relatively moderately protein-rich economical homemade base mixes works fine. This includes fishing against all the commercial readymade baits I have tested my homemade baits against in the past 5 years. My focus is far more on exploiting totally unique and new or little-used bioactive substances these days.

Many anglers get hung up too much on protein levels and potential digestion. This is without them truly appreciating that other factors can be equally if not even more important because frankly fish are not merely turned onto feeding by amino acids alone! For instance the success of tiger nuts is not just due to them being rich in 2 particularly essential amino acids significant in attraction and feeding stimulation.

Very many other factors are at play too in regards to instant energy hits, enhanced palatability and its impacts on repeated consumption impacts. Also for example there is the potent internal action of its very high levels of special soluble fibre and the various ways tiger nut substances all impact upon carp internally boosting digestion, metabolism and through-put etc which is of really massive importance.

Such things are far over and above any so-called crunch factor which so many anglers think is important but is so very highly over-rated even by many higher profile anglers who have just not done their homework! (For further information on making, adapting, designing and boosting your baits see my website Baitbigfish right now!)

By Tim Richardson.

You can find additional info at the following links:

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